Disney and Hollywood and Harry Potter - Oh My!
I love DisneyWorld.
Seriously. It's the happiest place on earth. It sure makes me happy!
My family has been many times, and I think I love it more than the kids. And that is great! Or is it?
Just yesterday I read a Facebook post by Franklin Graham speaking out against Disney concerning the introduction of its first gay storyline on the Disney Channel. Yep. That's the channel for children. Some of you are shocked, but most of you are not. Let's be logical. Disney is a company. The objective of a company is to make money. Disney as well as most big companies think they know what they have to do to make tons of cash. They have to be on the leading edge of change, often pandering to whomever has the biggest voice and the fattest wallet. This is lamentable when those voices and wallets are in opposition to God's Word.
I've been aware that the Disney Channel is not exactly on the same page with my family. It's never been something that I allowed my children to watch due to the attitudes of the children and the ignorance portrayed by the adults. But NOW. Now it is actually promoting immorality to our children, our future.
It's time for me to reevaluate.
I love movies.
I appreciate great acting, cinematography, and directing.
There's nothing like getting wrapped up in a good, believable story being played out right in front of you in a reclining theater seat accompanied by a big bag of popcorn and a Diet Coke! That's probably why the movie industry is making kazillions. And that is great! Or is it?
Recently there have been more Hollywood scandals than you can shake a stick at. ALL THE SKELETONS are coming out. I don't think I have to mention all of them in detail, but Weinstein and Spacey are enough to make anyone sick. Not to mention the cover ups. UGH.
I've always been pretty picky about the movies my family attends- researching on pluggedin.com to see if the content and language is acceptable before I go and refusing to support actors who speak against God. But NOW. Now more than ever I realize it's more than the storylines, the language, the acting, or the actors. Now it's about supporting a culture that goes against everything I believe in. Against God's Word.
It's time to reevaluate.
My kids love Harry Potter.
The books, movies, and The Wizarding World of Harry Potter have become phenomenons.
Harry Potter is arguably the most successful pop culture book and movie series of our time.
What's not to like? It's entertaining, it gets children to read, Harry Potter World has amazing rides. And that is great. Or is it?
I can't help but wonder if the article I read recently about the increase of witchcraft in young adults could have anything to do with the fact that the Harry Potter series and ensuing phenomenon came about during these millennials' formative years. Could it have been responsible for the interest and attraction of wizardry and witchcraft? How could it not??? And THIS. This goes against everything I believe in. Against God's Word.
It's time to reevaluate.
So I can sit around and cry and complain that these things are infiltrating our world and that I'm not happy about it. Seriously ya'll. That's what I do. I complain that things have gone to pot. I complain that people don't behave as they should. But wait. Ummmmmmmm. . . let me look in the mirror.
Who's supporting Disney? Me. Who's supporting the movie industry? Me. Who's visiting Harry Potter World? Me.
Ok- I can argue that my family doesn't watch the Disney Channel. My family doesn't go to inappropriate movies. My family doesn't support witchcraft. That can be my rationale so that I can call myself a Christian, complain about the "world," and have my cake and eat it too. But when I pay hard-earned dollars to take a Disney vacation, go to almost any film made by the large movie making industry, and enjoy thrill rides at Universal, I AM SUPPORTING THE THINGS I AM COMPLAINING ABOUT. We, all of us, are so spoiled that we usually do what we want to do without thinking about the ramifications.
The simple question is, "What do I want more? Morality and God's way, or my way."
Am I willing to cease supporting these causes that are against God and harmful to my family? THIS. This is hard.
I recently banned Target. I had had enough of their "Happy Holidays" and any restroom for any gender. I put my money where my mouth was and refused to shop there. Was it easy? No. Was it convenient? No. Did I like it? No. I didn't know if it would make a big difference, but I didn't really care. I couldn't support a company that I knew was taking the wrong path, supporting immorality. I was pleased to find out that during that period Target stock dropped drastically! Wow- there are other people like me who were willing to take a stand! That is encouraging. Hopefully we had an effect on their decision NOT to have transgender restrooms.
Back in 2006 when Harry Potter was all the rage, my kids were diving into this sensation just like the rest of the world. After hearing some concerns about this from one of my kid's Christian school teachers, as well as my mother, I made a hard decision.
My husband and I had a discussion and then we called a "family meeting." If you don't know about family meetings, they are awesome. It's a time to get everyone together after dinner (or whenever) and discuss awesome stuff children are doing, talk about things coming up, or lay down the law. Well, let's just say this wasn't one of the more uplifting meetings. I kindly revealed to my children that we were no longer going to be reading or watching the Harry Potter series and why. . . and there was much weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth. It was pretty excruciating. I'll never forget it. (From then on, every time I said "family meeting" everyone was completely on edge.) Was that decision easy? No. Did it make me happy in that moment? No. Did it cause anguish? Yes. But this was our way of modeling obedience to God.
When it was all over and there was nothing left to say, my oldest son, who was in seventh grade, came over to me and said, "Thank you for making us do the right thing Mom." I WILL NEVER FORGET IT. (It was God telling me that everything was going to be okay.)
Are we introspective enough to realize the effects of OUR actions?
Are we honest about the things WE support?
Are we willing to show our children how to be God's "peculiar" people?
Are we willing to go against the grain, to be unpopular, and to write things that people will mock and ridicule?
It is a daily struggle. It is a constant effort. But it is worth it.
Our children and the world are watching.
9 "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. 11 Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul. 12 Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us." I Peter 2:9-12
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